beautiful dreamer

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh happy day

Today was a HAPPY day!!!!

I have absolutely no idea why, but it was wonderful.

At the moment is mid-semester break and I have been working so much! I almost forgot about how much uni work I have to do. And let me tell you it's a lot. Its rather terrible. Today was my one day off and I spent it at uni.. trying to do some work. Still didn't get as much done as I should of.

So really, I should be super stressed. But I was just really happy.

I felt free. I realised I do have A LOT in my life. A lot of people who care about me.

Yes there is a certain person that still tugs on my heart strings... as much as I don't actually want to admit that. And yes it still hurts a little. But its getting easier and better.

Today I thought, I really believe things happen for a reason. I don't think we were 100% right for each other. And if I look at that situation now, I think maybe we also crossed paths at the wrong time... or maybe it was the right time... we both had some learning to do.

Simply put, he wasn't right for me. I probably wasn't right for him. He hurt me, so why would I want to go back there.

I feel hope.

I have read quite a few blogs today. Amazed by how well these girls write... and how they speak to my heart. They seem to put into words exactly how I feel. And they did so amazingly. It is incredible.

Though I may still be waiting for this moment:
"Memories do not scare me, anymore, you see -I've learned to remember without the fearof bittersweet nostalgia overwhelming my all."
But thats ok. I'm ok.
I feel like this girl:

I love that.

I got home this evening, to find a message from one of my amazing international friends.

Once again reminding me that in general.. I love life! It is an incredible thing, that too often we take for granted. I have some amazing friends and I had an amazing opportunity. It is still difficult to comprehend that I lived in PARIS for 6months. I met some truly wonderful, inspiring people. People that I won't forget, people that I hope will remain in my life for a very long time.

This completed my day. Of the simple wonderful things.

And whilst I realise I am at some kind of crossroad in my life. Feeling lost and confused. Today I feel ok with this. And despite any hurt, I feel stronger than ever!!!

Have a happy day!!

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